TERMOPLAST – Design and manufacturing process development of primary aircraft parts of advanced shapes of reinforced thermoplastics

Jun 7, 2021


Design and manufacturing process development of primary aircraft parts of advanced shapes of reinforced thermoplastics


The project aims to develop real parts of aviation structure in the shape of a profile of reinforced thermoplastic. The aim will be to design their appropriate shape, sizing and finding optimal production technology for selected part shapes. Specifically, it is a horizontal beam and a vertical frame of the transport aircraft door and a T profile as a replacement for the titanium part in the airframe rib assembly. The purpose is research and development of new technological processes to achieve cost-effective design of selected parts. A benefit to the bearer and frame will be a significant reduction in production time compared to existing composite technology with a thermosetting matrix. Door profiles are considered for a new generation door, but the vertical frame has a chance to be used as an alternative to the already-produced Boeing 787 doors.


LATECOERE Czech Republic s.r.o., České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav, a.s.




1. 1. 2018 – 31.12. 2020


Ing. Dr. Roman Růžek, Pevnost konstrukcí, VZLÚ

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