Project Title: Modern Manufacturing Processes
Project Description:
The goal of the project is to increase the operational reliability and efficiency in aerospace through the application of advanced materials and efficient production technologies. Intensive usage of advanced materials such as composite materials and novel additive manufacturing in load carrying structures is a current trend in the entire aerospace industry.
The project is divided into several work packages (WP) according to areas of interest. The first WP deals with research and development activities in the field of heat-resistant composite materials and the issue of joining composite and hybrid structures under various operating conditions, including high temperatures. An integral part of the application of composite materials is to ensure their operability during the whole life cycle of aircraft. Therefore, another work package dealing with research and development of composite repairs of composite aircraft structures deals with this issue. he next WP deals with 3D printing technologies from Ti alloys with application in the space industry and focuses on the preparation of materials from the titanium alloy TiAl6V4 by the SLM method. Another WP aims to decrease the risk of heavy injury or death of the light aircraft pilot (passenger) in case of crash landing. It will increase practical knowledge of the composite crash behavior in Czech Republic. The main objective of the last WP is to verify applicability of the materials from alternative / new suppliers for use in the space applications, develop manufacturing technology using these materials and design, manufacture and test specimens.
ID CODE: TN02000009/05
Project Period: 2021-2023, 2023 – 2028
VZLU AEROSPACE role: Coordinator
Project Participants:
- VZLU AEROSPACE, ID: 00010669
- VUT Brno, ID: 00216305
- ČVUT Praha, ID: 68407700
- L.K. Engineering s.r.o., ID: 26244560
- TL-ULTRALIGHT, ID: 25949659
- LA composite s.r.o., ID: 64579336
Principal Investigator For VZLU AEROSPACE:
- Ing. Bohuslav Cabrnoch, PhD.,