Project Title: Multi-spectral X-ray system
Project Description:
The goal is to manufacture a prototype of the multi-spectral X-ray system (SIROKO). It is based on the combination of a rotational symmetric (RSO) and multi-foil optics (MFO). SIROKO enables to extend the instrument functionality due to a much wider working energy range. These X-ray optics are limited by the critical angle. Thanks to this combination, we can theoretically 2x the entrance aperture, while keeping the same critical angle. Because SIROKO is a collimating system, we can increase by two orders the X-ray intensity compared to a single system. This allows fasted measurements by collecting more photons, which is a key parameter for methods like XRF/XPS. The project uses advanced nanotechnologies and is in line with the priorities for TREND (KETs, NPOV, the Industry 4.0, RIS3).
ID CODE: FW03010568
Project Period: 03. 2021 – 12. 2023
Project Participants:
Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o. (Hlavní řešitel)
Principal Investigator For VZLU AEROSPACE:
Ing. Vladimír Dániel,Ph.D., Divize Space