Since 1922 VZLU has been focusing on specific fields of research and developments, which are strategically important for the formation of aerospace products, these disciplines are the core of the research organization’s activities. The exploitation of new design tools and technical solutions in the industrial areas with higher added value has brought VZLU to RDT activities for land transport and power industry. Active work in space technology then underlines the high specialization and knowledge base of VZLU.
For the years 2018-2022 VZLU intends to focus on independent research and development in seven multidisciplinary areas whose practical outputs can be used across various industries. The fixed framework of targets is set for each area and demonstrated by specific results.
The following figure shows the relation of the individual RTD areas to the industrial sectors, the blue colour is indicating the intensity of the research activities in favour of the respective industrial sector (dark blue = very intensive, light blue = less intensive).